They eat horses don't they?

Another week has flown by and what a week. It has been a sad week for some. A close friend lost his mum this week. Something none of us can even begin to understand until we go through it ourselves. My thoughts are with him and hopefully I can be a supportive friend when he returns and tries to get back to normal life. Though I personally cannot imagine life without my mum.

The weather was crazy all week and the snow came and went, the ice came and went and the trains continued to be a farce, delays, cancellations and overcrowded trains. South Eastern trains should be particularly ashamed of themselves. They ran a terrible service in and out of London Bridge all week and the confusion and overcrowding in that station was some of the worst I've ever experienced in London. The excuses ranged from "slippy tracks" , "bad rail conditions", "staff shortages" and "severe weather" now having lived in North America, severe weather is not 1 inch of snow and 0c. Severe weather is 4 ft of snow and -10c. Try telling that to the idiots who run the British rail network.

So stress, we are told a bit of it is good for us, too much can kill us, so what is the happy medium? I ended up at the Doctor this week as I fell over and landed on my elbow. I was feeling dizzy so fell rather hard. The doctor told me I had nothing but an inner ear infection but when she took my blood pressure she shook her head and told me to be careful. On Thursday of this week I had the blood pressure of a 60 year old smoker, not a 43 year old non smoker who exercises lots and is outwardly a very happy man. I explained to the Doctor my stress at work, the pressure, the bullying and the constant battle to not be punished for being talkative or making people laugh. Yes, in my office, making people laugh is a breach of some code or other. Doctor told me I need to manage my stress better. Ha ha. To manage my stress would either involve a homicide or me leaving my job so I have chosen the one that doesn't require me spending 25 years in a prison being scared of dropping the soap. 

So yesterday I finally got round to the subject of my notice period and leaving in readiness for my exploratory trip to Barcelona in February.

And the horse meat fiasco continues. People are so strange. They don't mind animals being slaughtered en-masse to feed us but when a horse ends up in a burger there is a public outcry from the horsey crowd. Well I hate to say this but we do indeed eat horse meat here in the UK, it isn't just a french custom. How the horse meat ended up in beef burgers is a mystery but the outcry would make sense to me if the horse meat had ended up in veggie burgers. But since when did the masses in the UK care about the cows? The story took a strange leap on February 1st as it came to light that Muslim prisoners had been served a tiny bit of pork in their halal food in prison. I am sure the victims of their crimes feels good. It often reads that prisoners deserve better food standards than people shopping at Tesco.

And finally this song came to my attention this week and I love it and wanted to share:


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