Never use the word 'biscuit' when you can say 'custard cream' ...

Today, April 20 2016, one of my all time favourite entertainers died. Victoria Wood's comedy played such a big part of my life, especially my teens that I feel genuinely sad.  Her sketches were a daily part of my life as a teen, me and my friends laughed out loud over and over at them, we quoted them, we re-enacted them in 6th form common room or over a beer in the pub. There are far too many of her sketches to post on here but I am going to post my favourite few, anyone who claims to know me well, will understand why I derive so much pleasure from these sketches.

Sketch 1, Department store cafe, some great lines!

Sketch 2, Italian Restaurant sketch 

Sketch 3, 2 Soups (a classic even though Victoria isn't in it)

Sketch 4, The Ballad of  Barry and Freda

Sketch 5, Acorn Antiques (I could post all of them!)

I recommend her sketches to anyone who loves comedy. The world is certainly a less funny place today! And remember, never use the word "biscuit" when you can say "custard cream"...!

April 20, 2016


  1. A lovely tribute Sean.
    Sketch 1 is my all-time favourite and the one that I can quote inside out.
    Oddly enough I's recently dug out my DVD box set Dinner Ladies as I never saw the whole series at the time it was broadcast. More magic Victoria. Tony.


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