I don't keep a diary but.....

I don't keep a diary, I have never kept a diary apart from a travel journal from when I lived in Australia and wrote down my observations and experiences.  I still have it and after 15 years it makes me smile and feel sad, I miss the place a lot and hope to afford another trip there soon, 2016 maybe!?

A few weeks ago I was enjoying myself in sunny Stockholm and twee Tallinn and now I'm back in londony* London and think this is the last weekend of nice summer weather we will have, autumn is creeping in. 

Work has provided me with the most entertainment since that trip. I was out of the office for 4 days and changes were made without my input and it happened again last week.  It is like working in the shaking house at a funfair, the ground keeps moving below me and I am not sure what I can do to stop it. Maybe I'll just focus on my up-coming weekends away, home to see my parents, then to Barcelona in December (my first visit there since I left in August 2014). I am a little excited and anxious but hope to exorcise some demons when I'm there. I recently compared my office to the plot of Wicked/Oz or something in between.  It certainly could do with a soundtrack! Maybe this song will do:

I am typing this as I sit in a Starbucks near Oxford Circus in London. I've been sitting here for 40 minutes enjoying my coffee and muffin and watching the world go buy, some of it nice to watch, some of it less so but what has struck me is the passive aggressiveness of people here. I am sitting in a window seat, a good spot, the table is barely big enough for one person never mind a group but people keep glaring at me and tutting because they want this spot despite there being numerous empty chairs and tables elsewhere. I've been asked once if I am finished and I have curtly replied that I am not.  My coffee cup is almost half full. I am 'cup half full' type of person.  Anyway, my friend has just arrived and only 20 minutes late (he is Spanish so for him that is not late) so I'll go and help him with is immigration forms.  

October 4, 2015

*this is a made-up adjective not for widespread use.


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