Observations in Barcelona...July 2013

5 weeks into my Barcelona teaching adventure and I think I’ve finally hit the ground running (though I am sure you are supposed to say that at the beginning of an adventure, not 5 weeks in, but you know what I mean, well anyone who knows me will know what I mean?

Now I’ve written about national stereotypes before and will probably do so again, they are interesting but can be annoying when they are true. My students, not those in the school as they are mostly on time and I get paid regardless, the other students, the students whose offices etc I travel to or sit in cafes near their offices waiting for them, those students. Punctuality is not a strong point, I am tempted to teach them the word, have the spell it and use it in a complex sentence, well I will do if they turn up. The latest act of or rather lack of punctuality was Thursday when my 530pm student texted me at 525 pm to tell me she wasn't able to make it and was busy at work. I am sure she knew she was busy at work at 5pm or even 4pm so why she thought 5 minute warning was enough is beyond me. The locals have often said that us Brits are like robots and we like rules and we are punctual, of course we do, these things are important and punctuality is not just important it’s a whole basis for politeness. Don’t be late for a date, don’t be late for dinner (they wouldn’t be, dinner and lunch are more important than work for most people here) give more than 5 minutes warning if you are going to cancel should be common sense? 

As August approaches the classes will dry up, no one does anything in August, even the poorer people take 3-4 weeks and rush to the nearest resort etc., things close down completely, it may be good for their souls but it sure isn’t good for their economy not that they would listen to the fact if you close your country down for a month, your economy will not benefit.

On one of Barcelona's beaches

A busy beach in Barcelona

And for anyone coming here for the summer, don’t think it is only the Germans rush to get the best spots on the beach or by the poolside, no the Spaniards are as bad. I swim at an outdoor pool here in the city in one of the posher parts of the city and I’ve seen more arguments over seating by the pool than anything else. Nothing more amusing than seeing two Barcelona suburbanites, tits down to their knees fighting over 1 square metre of lounger at a public pool. I don’t see the point and on my past few visits have always managed to squeeze in somewhere and relax. I think it is one thing us Brits can do, we can share small spaces easily even in the heat.

July 21, 2013


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