Never try and straddle the line of GMT

The fog lifted as the train pulled into London. I could see all I needed to see. And I then knew all I needed to know.

Last weekend was Memorial Day in the USA, here in London it is Bank Holiday weekend, it doesn't have a special name but both a the symbolic start to summer, more so in the USA so it was fun to have my friend Rebecca over from the USA on her whirlwind tour of the UK (well south Wales, North London and South London). 

We decided to explore my corner of  London as I currently live less than 2 miles from the centre of Greenwich and it is place always worth exploring. 

As we were exploring Greenwich we came upon what I thought was the Greenwich Meridian. So I thought it was quite funny to straddle it and have my body spread over 2 hemispheres at once. I was disappointed to learn that it was simply a painted line on a pathway and not the Meridian line but I enjoyed the idea of it.

And tomorrow is my last day at work, after 7.5 years in the same job (minus 1 year of a career break). I am trying something newish, in a place I have only visited twice. An adventure is about to be had!

6 June 2013


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