Don't go breaking my heart

I had a really odd thought today, or group of thoughts. I was thinking of a song I liked and had sent it to someone I had just met and liked, for me it was just a cute pop song that had come into my head at the same time as I had met this person, so for me it was a simple reminder, for them it seemed to be a declaration of love and this made me look back and realise I had done this before, my love of pop music, my superficial love of pop music can mean something very different to the people I share those songs with. I sent a song to someone a few years ago and they we so animated and quizzed me on the lyrics and I had to shrug it off as it was 'just a song' I liked at the time. What they thought was a declaration of undying, everlasting love was nothing symbolic for me at all. Strange how we fail to see what others see, or what others feel. I hope I don't do that again or if I do, the next song I send to someone I meet will simpy be a cheesy ABBA song with no meaning but then again people read into things what they want to read, just as we hear what we want to hear, and see what we want to see. I am a hopeless romantic but sending a song is not a romantic gesture when it comes from me, it is me sharing my love of bad pop music. Here are the two songs I referred to, they are hardly sonnets.

And as I type this I am contemplating my own navel and think about middle-age in lockdown I realise that the twinkle in my eye has become a cataract, my hair is greying, I don't  break hearts these days and I am more likely to break wind. I no longer make love, I make cakes. I no longer go out to pull, I pull muscles. I spend more money on epsom salts than I do on going to clubs. I have a hot water bottle that is regularly used, I have no fashion labels in my closet and the most recent record I bought was by a singer I've liked for 34 years. I have taken up to relieve my boredom during lockdown and though I have at least 6 pairs of gym and running shoes I can barely run more than a few KM before my legs feel like leaving me, roll on the pool reopening in my gym, no one needs to seem red and sweating in running shorts! I am a happy middle aged man who really misses his friends and family and I hate lockdown but, like a horrid tasting medicine, I know it is done for good reasons ( I hope), though with our current shit-show of a government no one can really be sure anymore.

November 20th, 2020.


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