Hi Ho, Hi Ho its off to work I finally go..

What a long summer this has been, a hot summer and a long one too!  My summer started on May 25th when my contract at CIMA ended and will come to an end this Monday (September 3rd when I start my new job).  The summer started well, a fantastic trip to Australia and nice side trip to Abu Dhabi, despite the long flights and the jet lag I had a fantastic time seeing friends and doing touristy things I didn't do the first time I visited Australia.  Abu Dhabi was a beach holiday and as anyone who knows me is well aware, I cannot sit still for very long, I get bored easily and I am not a fan of novels designed for people who only read at the beach.  I tanned and swam but after 2 hours and the 45c heat, I was done and ready for my next adventure.

This stretch of under-employment/unemployment is the longest ever, 12 weeks of living on Job Seekers Allowance and the bi-weekly visit to the dole office to prove I was actively seeking work etc. Oh I was actively seeking work alright and formed a good rapport with my adviser, Ann-Marie, who laughed at my cracked phone screen and was impressed with the amount of applications I made each week. We joked about the Universal Credit roll-out and her concerns that money would be put in the hands of vulnerable people with addiction problems and little understanding of money. The government thinks it is progress but change isn't always a good thing.  I signed off last week and have ended up in the job I didn't expect to be in.  I applied for 50+ jobs and had 4 interviews which resulted in one rejection, one offer and one total silence. I applied for a job at a Royal Institute (I won't name and shame them just yet) and was interviewed within a week then had a 2nd interview and tests and here we are 6 weeks later with no decision. I was told that I was one of 4 candidates for 2 roles and last week I had to tell them I had accepted another role as this was getting silly.  The role I've accepted is junior to what I normally do and the salary is a lot lower than my past 3 roles but needs must and it is a good organisation and the people who interviewed me were nice and friendly.  I can live on a lower salary for a while as I've done so for the past 3 months and got used to it. The shock of commuting again will be interesting, there is nothing worse than a London commute, crowded trains and tubes with angry and indignant people expecting good manners from you but failing to display good manners themselves and don't get me started on the odours. 

As a treat to myself I've ordered the new Mylene Farmer from FNAC and should get that by the end of September. Woo hoo. And here is her latest video, her 18th #1 (3 weeks) in France.

So I am enjoying my last weekend of being 'dole scum' or as my sister said 'a lady who lunches' 

September 1, 2018


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