
Showing posts from 2018

Examination time

This week I sat an exam for the first time since 2004.  The exam itself was as I expected, difficult but not too testing but the experience was interesting, especially the planning of it, the allowing of late students to enter the exam room and the complete lack of buzz you normally feel before and after an exam. One of the better parts of exams at school was the joint experience with your friends before and after, the drinks in the pub after our A levels etc. This was very corporate, no interaction with my fellow students and no support or guidance from the institute. The #ICSA qualification is a good one but ICSA seem to be about money rather than a holistic approach to education and learning.  I didn't enjoy it despite enjoying the subject matter. I will have to think long and hard about continuing with this course at this institute as it doesn't feel like value for money.  My friends laughed at my exam routine, a routine I've had since my O levels. I take in about 3

Charitable words and deeds

I have just spent the past 6 weeks working for a major UK charity and I truly admire the work it does and I am amazed at its ability to deliver services to people as it undergoes a major change to its structure. I witnessed the complex changes, it is undergoing, first hand. I didn't stay longer than 6 weeks as my role was one of the things chopped and changed during the restructure and luckily I had another contract to go to.  What did shock me about the charity was the way some of the senior people spoke to their juniors.  During a very senior level meeting one of the trustees referred to me a a 'Nazi' and 'Dr Mengele' and this was the first time he had met me and was part of his 'getting to know me banter' .. I was shocked and if we had been alone I would have let rip on him but as he is also the Lord Lieutenant of London I thought it best to stay quiet and simply make some sarcastic comments about him forgetting to close car doors for the royals (it is

Hi Ho, Hi Ho its off to work I finally go..

What a long summer this has been, a hot summer and a long one too!  My summer started on May 25th when my contract at CIMA ended and will come to an end this Monday (September 3rd when I start my new job).  The summer started well, a fantastic trip to Australia and nice side trip to Abu Dhabi, despite the long flights and the jet lag I had a fantastic time seeing friends and doing touristy things I didn't do the first time I visited Australia.  Abu Dhabi was a beach holiday and as anyone who knows me is well aware, I cannot sit still for very long, I get bored easily and I am not a fan of novels designed for people who only read at the beach.  I tanned and swam but after 2 hours and the 45c heat, I was done and ready for my next adventure. This stretch of under-employment/unemployment is the longest ever, 12 weeks of living on Job Seekers Allowance and the bi-weekly visit to the dole office to prove I was actively seeking work etc. Oh I was actively seeking work alright and

Heatwaves and job hunting

The UK is now on the 6th week of a heatwave that has only weakened once with thunderstorms, flooding and train chaos. Yes the British summer continues to be as everyone expects it to be, changeable and unpredictable. It reached 34c somewhere near London in the last week of July and it reached 29c inside my apartment, another record. I've made it to the beach a few times this summer, certainly more than last year and I stupidly booked my summer holiday in Australia where they were having their winter and now all the flights to places I could visit (and be hosted by friends) are crazy high.  £300 return to Barcelona from London is silly. I flew to Australia for £702 on a far better airline than Easyjet. But I guess Barcelona is the place people want to fly to in July and August much to the chagrin of the locals who are increasingly unhappy with the crowds of tourists who are swamping the city and making some neighbourhoods unlivable for locals. My friends in Spain are telling me how

Right back where I started from?

Can I start this post with my favourite satirical photo of the month. I am sure none of my friends are Trump lovers, shudder at the thought so here it is: This photo needs no explanation unless you are a really stupid cretin.  I could use the title of this post to play the Sinitta song (which was a cover) and I think I will do that as I am in a relatively silly and happy mood as I type this despite my stressful morning. I am travelling to Shropshire this morning and this involves taking the DLR then the Tube, then another train and another and my lovely weekend bag decided to fail on me as I was getting off the tube.  The zip and the strap failed on me. Fun. I've managed to fix the zip though I am being very generous to myself as it is fixed but cannot be moved, as for the strap, meh, it's in the bin.  I've ordered a lovely new bag, sky blue, ready for my big Australia trip in less than 5 months time (3 cities, lots of friends plus Abu Dhabi in 14 days). I am look