Don't let the right wing win!

A political blog from me. After the events of last night in London and recent events in Manchester the right wing in the UK (and USA) are blaming everyone but themselves!  Today, Jeremy Corbyn had this to say! 

You cannot protect the public on the cheap. The police and security services must get the resources they need, not 20,000 police cuts. Theresa May was warned by the Police Federation but she accused them of “crying wolf”. 
We will recruit another 10,000 new police officers, including more armed police, as well as 1,000 more security services staff to support our communities and help keep us safe.

And today our PM is campaigning and spreading the fear in order to win an election, don't let that happen! The UK and USA also arm Saudi Arabia, it is a theocracy that supports ISIS. Saudi Arabia stirs sectarian violence across the middle-east.  The UK did the same in Ireland and we moved on. It is time we stopped supporting states that support terrorists and not turn on our neighbours here in the UK, no matter their race or faith. Lets not be as bad as our government and help the Saudis spread their hate!

June 4th, 2017


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