A house guest and bad management

I am not sure what is more difficult, managing 3 adults or teaching a class of 30 kids.  The past few weeks have tested my skills as a manager and my patience as a human being. I am ready for my move to pastures new in May.

One of the nicer things this week has been my temporary house guest, Elena, from Kiev.  The sister of a neighbour who needed a room for a few days so she could explore London relatively cheaply.  She was quiet, tidy and friendly and it was great to have someone from a country that I've never visited and didn't have friends from. She was an enthusiastic tourist and was brave enough to attend a Premier League football match on her own, far braver than me.  I am not a cheerleader for AirBNB and Elena was not a complete stranger as her brother is my neighbour but it was nice to have another person in the empty flat for a few days before I move to my new place.  As of late April I will no longer be sharing a flat/house with anyone and taking a 1 bed flat in a neighbouring building. I am excited despite the extra costs, the increase in rent and charges eats into all the pay rise gained in my new job but having my own space and a good landlord (I am informed is very good and reliable) means life should be less turbulent for the next year or so (on the home and job front at least), fingers crossed.

My cute 9th floor balcony

My living room in need of some Seanyism

Today is the hottest day of the year but I am sitting in the shade as I sat out in the sun yesterday and I am now a shade of pink/white/red and want it to go brown rather than peel off. 

April 9, 2017


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