Single on Valentines Day and other middle-class, first world problems.

Everywhere I have walked today I've been confronted by hearts, cherubs, romantic angels and all the other symbols of Valentines Day and the reminders that we are all supposed to do something romantic tomorrow, or else

The boring safeness of Valentines!

But what of those people who are single and don't feel the need to reach out and touch someone tomorrow. I am happy that I don't need to spend money on expressing something that as a good lover I would be doing daily, hourly, every moment I was around my loved one. Most of my friends are now couples, the few of us who are single are not ostracised but there is a trend towards people doing more things as couples and less with friends. I know this happens but just as there are campaigns to ensure your lonely elderly neighbour is not doomed to drink cups of tea alone, there should be a campaign on Facebook or Twitter to reach out to your single friends and ensure they aren't doomed to speed dating, online dating and being accused of "eternal bachelorhood'.... please…?? 

This week I was subjected to a “talking to” at work, an intervention. I am still puzzled by the whole thing and notes were taken and everything. It seems my halo at work has slipped and, after having 3 line managers in 7 months, I'm the problem. I do love being micro-managed and hit with the stick of “talking to” and no sign of the carrot of encouragement. I will stick with it as I am sure the politics of work are hiding something that will come out soon enough, it usually does, all I can do is keep smiling and sticking to my ethos of “work to live” not “live to work”….

Here is a song for the weekend, it is romantic but not at all sugary!

Happy Valentines to all you romantic fools out there and if you really want to make your lover smile, do something funny and brave rather than nipping down the high street for overpriced roses and chocolates!

February 13, 2016


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