Adios 2015, hello 2016, hello civic duty....

Is it me or do the years go faster as you pass 30? It feels as if they are fewer days per year or that time has sped up in some way that would puzzle even Stephen Hawking.  I started writing this post on December 30 when Christmas was over, I was back in the office and I was contemplating spending New Years Eve in bed watching sitcoms and avoiding the alcohol and 1 night only friendliness but I did haul my grumpy ass out for the evening and had a nice evening, I was entertained by my friends and watching the other guests at a party. Some of them are what our parents would call swingers and every time I see them they have a new "swing" this time it was a guy much younger than them who seemed to have consumed a lot more than alcohol because every song that came on, be it an Adele ballad or a euro pop hit, he danced as if it was 150bpm.  It was amusing. The couple in question think I am odd, I find that ironic. I've been to the same party with the same host 5 out of the past 8 years so its almost like a documentary, at one point, looking through a window watching the crowd, me and my friend said exactly that, it was like watching a documentary about gay men, their posture, body language and mating rituals, if you like that sort of thing. The host's new husband, fresh from India must have found it as amusing as I did, as we certainly are an interesting bunch.

So 2016 arrived with me slightly hungover and craving coffee and greasy food and once I satiated those desires I was free to worry about what 2016 had to offer me.  I had been asked by an acquaintance, a former student, if I was interested in returning to Barcelona to work with him and his business partner on a legal/adjudication project and I so wanted it to work, if they had offered me a real contract I would have taken it as things here in London in my job are a little uncertain now what with the government reviewing and reforming and cutting, the life of a civil servant is an uncertain one, less naked civil servant and more wobbly.  I didn't take the job in Barcelona as it was even less secure than my current job in London and though I love Barcelona my memories of it seem to have become rose tinted and I've blocked out the reasons I left, once I reminded myself of these, I decided to stay, for now. 

And so my 2016 begins with 2 weeks of compulsory civic duty, aka jury service.  I was excited to be finally doing it, I watch far too many police and law shows on TV. I should have known better.  Jury service in American shows always seems far more interesting, and you get to stay in a hotel and order pizza, the British version is a colder, slower and less glamorous version. When I arrived there were over 50 of us waiting "to be called" I waited for almost 3 days to be called and the court is almost 1 hour from my home and no where near a town centre, the nearest buildings are a factory and a high security prison, so no wandering around in break times. I am saving money, that's the positive.  I sat on a jury for 2.5 days.  It was interesting and I was happy with my decision/verdict. That is all I can say about it.  I think doing jury service is clearly a good thing but prepare for lots of boredom in between the interesting bits. I have one more week to fulfill so possibly 1 more trial then it's back to work. I may not go back to Barcelona for work but I expect 2016 to be full of exciting travels, perhaps more than 2015; I am visiting Pisa, Florence, Naples and Pompeii and hope to get to the USA again this year as I've not been there since the summer of 2011.  Two of my colleagues move to Australia this month and I am jealous and excited for them, I did the same thing in 1998 and part of me wishes I could have stayed but I am not comfortable being that far away from my family, I have a little voice inside me telling me I should always be close and that is the only voice in my head that I listen to, honest!

My favourite singer, Mylene Farmer, appeared on American TV for the first time in her 30 year career and she released a new song and an amazingly weird video. Enjoy.

Oh and I discovered the horrible fact the Hipsterisation had reached one of my favourite bars in Soho. Jam jars being used for glasses! Scary! And on the same evening, I tried Uber for the first time, a journey that costs £40 by black cab cost £11. I am convinced! And can anyone tell me why the biggest source of readers for my blog is Russia? I don't know any Russians, not sure I've ever met a Russian! 

Some of my friends and family had a horrible 2015 and I hope 2016 is a lot better for them all! 

January 10, 2016


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