Sun Showers

Hello blog fans, it has been quite some time since I wrote anything. The reason? Nothing more than being distracted by work and life in general. In the past month I've bought a camera that I am struggling to use properly, I've met up with my half-brother who I've not seen since 1996 and I've worked so much overtime that my next holiday is already paid for. 

It is raining outside yet sunny, the weather giveth and taketh at the same time. March 1st isn't the first day of spring despite what people think and it doesn't feel very springlike today and I am missing the Mediterranean sunshine

This weekend has been full of nice surprises, blasts from my past ranging from my first boyfriend in London who I met 20 years ago to my landlord and friend from Leeds who I first met 22 years ago. It was nice spending time with people who have known me for so long that I don't have to try, there is no need to make an impression and waste energy on that "hope they like me" quest. I am too old for that now, I think I was too old for it 30 years ago but as a teenager you want to fit in, now all I want to do is fit "out", stand aside and watch from afar. My friend Tony is 60 now and he asked me if I had a lover, I said no, not for a while and there he is, 60 with a lover in his 20s and the grin on his face and twinkle in his eyes said it all. He is happy and he is indifferent to the age gap whereas I am still struggling to accept I am getting grey hair. I like people who are happy in their own skin, they make me feel happy and a little envious. 

As I finish this entry I am listening to this song...

She is fabulous!

Sean Usher
March 1 2015


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