
Showing posts from December, 2014

Merry Christmas and Happy 2015..

Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays/Happy Hannukkah and hoping that 2015 is a super fantastic year  for all of you!  And here is a Christmas episode of Modern Family, Enjoy!

Goodbye to 2014 - Part 2

Today is referred to as " panic Saturday " the last Saturday before Christmas when people do there last minute shopping for gifts and for things that will probably end up in the bin by next Saturday.  The British shopper is keeping the UK economy afloat but I wonder how much of that money is spent on credit cards and on UK made things. We are probably doing more to help the Banks and the Chinese than we are our own country!? I am avoiding the shopping areas of London today and for the next 2 weeks, I don't want to be trampled to death by crazy idiots wanting a reduced wide-screen television in John Lewis. I did the last of my shopping yesterday, I managed to spend £130 in less than 2 hours, a record for me but I used to be a shopaholic and had a lot of pent up buying to do. I found out yesterday that I was going to be in work in January and reasonably paid as well, my salary in January will be 62% higher than it was in November, a huge leap and I had almost given up hop

Goodbye 2014 - Part 1

It is almost time to say goodbye to 2014 and looking back it won't be a year I will remember well, it certainly had good times in it, I will remember the good times in Barcelona will fondness and my trip to Sicily was great but the bad things about the year will hopefully fade away into nothing. I lost an uncle in August to cancer, not an uncle I was close to but as he was my Dad's older brother it had an impact on us all and when my Dad is down and sad, we feel it. It was hopefully the year that I learnt that dating people more than 10 years younger than me is a mistake, I fell headlong into a short but interesting relationship with 29 year old (Jose) who claimed we had communication problems, he dumped me on Facebook so taking lessons in communication from that idiot is not something I will be doing and I need to remember that my beer goggles are very powerful, they make me ignore all negatives until it is too late. I had fun but the post fun emotional hangover was somethin