The blind lady of Tres Torres....

I wrote this months ago when I was teaching a lovely lady called Rosa. She was born blind and also has autism but was one of my most lively students. I waited until my classes with her ended before publishing this.

High on a hill, far above the centre of Barcelona sits Rosa, Rosa sits in eternal darkness yet her life is as full of light as anyone. Rosa loves god and she believes he loves her. Rosa sees things we cannot see. Rosa refuses to walk with a stick or with a guide dog, she relies on her other senses and the kindness of the good people of Barcelona. If only I could do the same. Rosa loves music, she loves the Carpenters and their songs of love and broken hearts, feelings Rosa may never experience. Rosa was my student for 7 months until it was decided for her that she was too stressed to have lessons. I learnt more from Rosa than she did from me.

A Saint Jordi Rose for Rosa
Rosa still loves a god that allowed her to be born blind and allowed her brother to be blind and autistic and allowed her to lose her mother when she was a child. Such suffering would drive many of us to addiction or suicide, it makes Rosa pray and sing.

November 13, 2014


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