Hello old friend

It has been so long since I wrote in my blog. I was trying to find the specific reason/ or reasons for not writing and I have none. Life is what happened. Barcelona life has swept me up in her arms and I am living it. I rarely had time to write a blog when I lived in London and the same goes for Barcelona. It has been 9 months today since I arrived and I've now got into a stride which I didn't expect and I am no longer looking for the exit sign. That has to be good.

What is also happening is I am learning a lot about myself, even at 44 there is a lot to learn. I gave my life a mini audit over Christmas. I realized what was important and what wasn't. I've learned to worry about the people who worry about me and nothing more. I've learned to enjoy the things that life throws my way and not worry about the things I am missing. We are masters of our own destiny and I feel I am more of a master than most.

Early evening looking to Mount Tibidabo, March 7
As I sit here, on Via Laietana in central Barcelona surrounded by people from all over the world I think, this boy (inside I am still a Lego loving, cheeky, slightly scared boy) from Sunderland is here, doing his thing, teaching his language, meeting new people, laughing with people I didn't know 9 months ago and putting down some roots, making some memories and who knows what else.
Barcelona continues to seduce me, every week I find a new place or people show me a new bar or café, or a building amazes me. People are the same over. I still have to deal with the snobby rich parents of some students, who are too busy to pay me or can't find any money in their E1000 purses but this could have happened in London, Boston, Sydney or Hanoi, or any of the other great cities I've lived in since 1998. Yes I've lived in all those places. I am proud of that. My grandparents never left the UK, probably due to lack of money and opportunity. I am doing this for them as well as me. I always promised my Nana that I would take her on holiday somewhere when I had money. I was robbed of that chance in 1984, yes we've been without her for almost 30 years now. Sad. Yes this blog is a little sentimental, well I am sentimental; I cry at romantic movies, I cry when kids die on TV, I don't apologize for that.

This is how to do a selfie!

I am still without romance but I think that is my default position. I spoke to a psychologist friend about it on Friday, I've become so brave about being single that being in a relationship actually scares me. I doubt I could cope and I doubt they could cope with me (back to that big scared kid again).

I hope to continue discovering Barcelona and her secrets, I've begun reading literature set here to learn more. I now have at least 5 local friends and 2 friends who live here but are also from overseas, a perfect mix.

I am going to continue exploring the old city today, it is March 8 2014 and it is 20c! What could be better!?

March 9, 2014


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