What's that on your head?

Today's question is: should we go bald gracefully or not?

As  people who know me well will concur, I have lost a lot of hair since my floppy fringed teenage days. I am now crowned with a head of hair most suitable for the armed forces or lice victims but I like my hair short and greying as it is one of the least bothersome faces of middle age. A clipper cut looks good on most men and some women so it puzzles me why so many men rather than show off their heads, and wear a tidy clipper cut, choose to wear a wig or one of those hair transplant things.

I am writing this because today I’ve encountered two middle aged men (both American) that despite their age (in their 70s) were wearing wigs/weaves/hair transplants that wouldn’t even suit a full haired teenage boy. Do hair weaves only come in 2 colours, shoe polish brown, or varicose mahogany? Do they do it because they think it makes them look younger, it doesn’t. Both men looked strange, the first thing you can see is the odd coloured hair that neither matches their complexion or clothing (Middle aged people the world over, particularly Americans, are not fashion victims more victims of Walmart fashion).

As a tribute to those wig-wearing men the world over, here is the best song ever about wigs!

I know my Dad will never go for a wig or a weave or hair colouring, and if he did, my Mam would stop him as would my sisters. I hope as I descend from early middle age into retirement my vanity (for which I am famed) does not force me into an Elton John style hair transplant, or a ghastly wig, though I could be persuaded to wear a Cher wig at a party.

As I published this a man sat next to me and he had curly perm wig, like looking at Kevin Keegan from behind!


December 4, 2013


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