Life is tough but its even tougher if you are stupid..

As I have my 2 hour lunch break in a café on this cold windy day (needed a scarf today) I am watching the world go by as usual. Central Barcelona is a great mix of people. Next to me are 2 Russian girls who have lip implants, either that or they are having a bad allergic reaction to the coffee. Across from me is a Japanese couple and the guy is wearing a backpack that is taller than me. His back must be made of steel to carry that around with him all day.
Winter has finally arrived here in Barcelona, last week it was 20c, today it is 11c and the locals are dressed as if they lived in Siberia. It isn't that cold and the sky is blue and the sun is shining. I am dressed for Spring, they are dressed for the next ice age. Even those Russian girls had fur on, probably a favourite pet that recently died (it looked like rabbit though they acted as if was mink).

They begin the Christmas festivities early here too. The lights are going up, the plastic snowmen and santa clauses are in every shop window and Starbucks has its egg nogg and is playing the Christmas music popular in the 1930s and 40s. I am sure the Andrew Sisters are making a come-back this year?

Anyway enough musings. I am off to my next class which is in an IVF clinic, I teach 4 staff, 2 nurses, 2 lab technicians so I've learnt quite a lot about sperm, artificial you know-what, eggs, ovums, etc etc and we sit in a room that is full of Liquid Nitrogen containers, so at any moment I could literally turn into permafrost.

And finally, the contagious virus called passive-aggressiveness has reached the far flung reaches of Barcelona as evidenced by this awful photograph.

My flatmate must have it because when he found a dirty plate in the cupboard he wrote a note (in 2 languages) and left this lovely display of plates and cutlery for the rest of us. I am sure there is no known cure but a preventative measure is laughter.

Cutlery and crockery based evidence of the passive-aggressive virus

Life is tough but its even tougher if you are stupid..

November 20, 2013


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