Going home..

One of the great things about living less than 3 hours away from home in a major city is the ease at which I can head home if I feel the need (finances willing). There were no direct flights from Madrid to Newcastle and Vietnam to Newcastle would have involved 14 hours of flying and at least 2 changes of plane. No thank you. Having originally planned a 5 day trip to Menorca and realising it would be beautiful but lonely I chose to visit my family instead so rather than not seeing them for  8 months, I would see them twice in 8 months. My niece is now walking and as she has just started to walk I wanted to see her toddle around rather than wait until December when she was walking normally and we all took it for granted. 

So I will have a summer holiday in Tyne & Wear rather than Menorca but it is the people you surround yourself with, not the place, that are the most important? Don't you agree. 

This song has been playing in my head for a while, long before summer, I think it originally came out in 2012 but now it is a hit and I love it.

This photograph was the first I took after I landed in Newcastle, crossing the Tyne Bridge.

Crossing the Tyne Bridge

August 7, 2013


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