Spring has arrived? Really?

We are now in mid March and as I type this it is 3c and falling from the sky is a mix of rain and snow. It is not at all nice. Last week was cold and next week will be too. As Easter approaches I think March will be a month of coughs and sneezes and winter coats.

And as all thoughts turn to Spring, in its many guises, here is a photo (and it could be photo-shopped?) to warm your hearts!!?

March 2013 has been an interesting one, last week (March 14th) the world got a new Pope. I have never seen so much excitement over something so anachronistic.  The BBC was obsessing despite the fact Catholics in the UK are outnumbered by Anglicans, Muslims and Atheists. Maybe the fact the new Pope is an Argentinian and the Argentinians have replaced the Germans as our cultural bogeyman. We no longer poke fun at or fear the Germans, they are now our friends. We now have the Argentinians, a far away place, created by colonialism and its fight over one of our colonies. Another anachronism that sells newspapers and keeps politicians with something patriotic to say when the economy is going tits up! The election/referendum in the Falklands was also all over the news, 2000 people and 10 million sheep decided they wanted to remain British (as is their legal right) but the results were rubbed in the faces of their nearest neighbours. Gloating is so un-British, but go tell that to the people of the Falklands. Lest they forget, hundreds of poor soldiers from both sides are lying under that soil they want to keep British. 

Victims of stupid politicians far away! Lets not get carried away and lets not get distracted by the Kirchner/Cameron punch and judy show. It fools very few people. One day, there will be an agreement over the islands, probably sanctioned by the UN as the Falklands people remain British but without the logistical support of the nations of South America they will remain an insignificant dot in the South Pacific.

And as a footnote, an American friend of mine who is temporarily squatting in our fair country, reminded me that the Golden Jubilee in 2012 was almost as anachronistic as the Papal election.

Sean Usher
March 16, 2013


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