
Showing posts from November, 2020

Don't go breaking my heart

I had a really odd thought today, or group of thoughts. I was thinking of a song I liked and had sent it to someone I had just met and liked, for me it was just a cute pop song that had come into my head at the same time as I had met this person, so for me it was a simple reminder, for them it seemed to be a declaration of love and this made me look back and realise I had done this before, my love of pop music, my superficial love of pop music can mean something very different to the people I share those songs with. I sent a song to someone a few years ago and they we so animated and quizzed me on the lyrics and I had to shrug it off as it was 'just a song' I liked at the time. What they thought was a declaration of undying, everlasting love was nothing symbolic for me at all. Strange how we fail to see what others see, or what others feel. I hope I don't do that again or if I do, the next song I send to someone I meet will simpy be a cheesy ABBA song with no meaning but th