
Showing posts from November, 2018

Examination time

This week I sat an exam for the first time since 2004.  The exam itself was as I expected, difficult but not too testing but the experience was interesting, especially the planning of it, the allowing of late students to enter the exam room and the complete lack of buzz you normally feel before and after an exam. One of the better parts of exams at school was the joint experience with your friends before and after, the drinks in the pub after our A levels etc. This was very corporate, no interaction with my fellow students and no support or guidance from the institute. The #ICSA qualification is a good one but ICSA seem to be about money rather than a holistic approach to education and learning.  I didn't enjoy it despite enjoying the subject matter. I will have to think long and hard about continuing with this course at this institute as it doesn't feel like value for money.  My friends laughed at my exam routine, a routine I've had since my O levels. I take in about 3