
Showing posts from September, 2017

Random weekend observations over coffee

I spend a lot of time in coffee shops and thus drink a lot of coffee. I am onto my 4th large coffee of the weekend. Sitting in coffee shops in central London gives me the opportunity to observe the world, hear peoples' comments and conversations and watch odd behaviour. I've noticed a lot of people only come into Starbucks to use the toilets and if they have to ask for a code, they don't, they scurry out, looking guilty and confused.  The Starbucks I'm in now is popular with the street drunks of Charing Cross, the toilet doesn't need a code (I wish it did). The Chinese woman sitting right next to me (but opposite) is tapping her straw far too hard on the table, she clearly wants attention. I can feel the tapping through my table, yes she is doing it that hard. The Starbucks has a display with samples of new sandwiches, one guy wearing a gold crucifix and camper than John Inman on speed has just ate a whole one despite them being cut into small samples s

A funny old month - Summer is over!?

It is mid September already, the temperature today is 14c, how did that happen. I was enjoying temperatures of 35c on the Costa Brava less than 3 weeks ago and now I am under a blanket on my sofa and flirting with my thermostat who clearly hasn't been touched for a while and is need of some attention but I refuse to give EON the benefit of my cold, a blanket and a hot cup of coffee are better than huge electric bills. The drop in temperatures in England have certainly increased my need to shop. I went to Habitat last week for one thing and ended up buying lots of things for my flat. I explained to my student last Sunday that I was nesting, though there will be no eggs in Spring. I guess what I am really doing is hibernating.  This is a photo of where I was 3 weeks ago today. Warm and sunny on the Costa Brava. Calella De Parafrugell Yesterday we had another terrorist attack on the Underground  and what amazes me is the first person to check on me was my Italian friend