
Showing posts from July, 2016

Has it been one month already?

I can't believe it has been a month since the referendum on the EU, it has gone so fast and so many things have happened and are ongoing.  We have a new Prime Minister, that happened faster than most of us expected but thankfully it isn't Boris Johnson or Andrea Leadsom. I dislike Theresa May as I am not a Tory and she is a stereotypical Tory and I doubt our civil liberties, human rights or privacy are safe in her hands but time will tell.   The exit from the EU is being delayed, I am happy about that and what we may end up with is a sort of compromise membership but British tantrums over the rules will only be tolerated for so long. Britain has a history of tantrum throwing when it comes to the EU and our membership has often been questioned by some of the other members.  I often feel we have been a well-poisoner , in it but never really wanting it to work but happy to profit from it, our businesses certainly have.  Many British people have benefited from the EU, some don&

Mylène Farmer - C'Est Pas Moi !... (Radio Edit Officiel) (Official New S...


Living with cats and other observations

Living with cats I'm enjoying a day off so after a few extra hours of sleep and a nice slow breakfast I headed out to be a tourist, a shopper, get my hair cut and meet some friends.  My day off is busier than a working day. During my hair cut, the hairdresser and me discussed how she has to have clothes for work and clothes and keeps them separate from everything else because of the hairs that get everywhere and are difficult to shift.  I told her about the two cats I am currently looking after and how their hairs are everywhere even though they are not allowed in my room but as they are all over my flatmates' clothes, they end up on mine etc. She asked me about the cats and their personalities, I did laugh at that. Everyone thinks cats are great, I am indifferent. One of the cats is cute and friendly, the other one, the older, hates me, she growls at me whenever I get close and has cornered me once or twice in the hallway.  I look after them by feeding them, changi