
Showing posts from January, 2016

Adios 2015, hello 2016, hello civic duty....

Is it me or do the years go faster as you pass 30? It feels as if they are fewer days per year or that time has sped up in some way that would puzzle even Stephen Hawking.  I started writing this post on December 30 when Christmas was over, I was back in the office and I was contemplating spending New Years Eve in bed watching sitcoms and avoiding the alcohol and 1 night only friendliness but I did haul my grumpy ass out for the evening and had a nice evening, I was entertained by my friends and watching the other guests at a party. Some of them are what our parents would call swingers and every time I see them they have a new "swing" this time it was a guy much younger than them who seemed to have consumed a lot more than alcohol because every song that came on, be it an Adele ballad or a euro pop hit, he danced as if it was 150bpm.  It was amusing. The couple in question think I am odd, I find that ironic. I've been to the same party with the same host 5 out of the pa