
Showing posts from January, 2015

Martika - Love...Thy Will Be Done

Happy Sunday!

New Year, New Old Me and New Old job

I entered 2015 in the very same place I entered 1995, dancing in Camden with friends; different friends but the friends from 1995 were people I just met in my early days in London, like the friends you make at University in the first term and try to escape in the 2nd. This new year's eve was spent with friends I have known many years and thankfully we didn't sing "auld langs eyne" (or maybe we did and the Prosecco/Vodka haze confused me). I think on January 1 1995 I slept on a mattress in a friend’s living room, this year I was in my own bed, warm and cozy  and no head spin. And this is the random song of the evening (they played it twice): 2015 is only 3 days old and so much of it is already mapped out and familiar. In 2 weeks I start working in my old office in an almost identikit version of my last job, same people, same boss and same hours and part of me is excited and part of me is stressing about it. Are moves backward positive? Most people think not