
Showing posts from October, 2014

Happy Birthday Dad

Today is my Dad's 70th birthday and as usual he was very low key about it. He wanted no fuss, no party and no gifts.When I called him today to wish him happy birthday he spent most of the call telling me how he was going to do some work at my sister's house and that he was worried about it. That is my Dad, he is amazing and very selfless. Happy Birthday Dad!

Even better than the real thing?

I am listening to a song titled "Even better than the real thing" and I am not understanding it at all. What can ever be better than the real thing? I thought about it some more as I drank a very strong cup of coffee and thought about the amount of fake we allow in our lives. We shouldn't.  This blog post really is a train of thought that has missed its stop or has left the station without a driver. I came back to England 12 weeks ago and feel settled here thought the London daily commute is not good for me and my stress levels, there is nothing quite like an elbow in your rib cage at 730am or being crushed against someone with evil breath for 20 minutes but these are the things we do to earn our living and I am hardly in a position to complain when this is what I wanted to do (be back in London) and I am not some poor kid in Africa who walks miles for a drink of water etc but this is what us comfortable people in the west do, we complain about the tiniest, trivial t