
Showing posts from May, 2013

I love Eurovision but......

I have watched Eurovision for as long as I can remember, I can recall sitting on a sofa at my grandparents house watching it and I certainly remember "Save All Your Kisses For me", the winner in 1976. I have probably watched it every year since but it certainly has changed. Maybe my memory has been kind to Eurovision but I don't ever recall it being so bad and so political? There was certainly a huge change once the former Soviet Union and its client states entered. Some of them, like the Baltics, are Scandinavian in their outlook and fit right in but others seem more middle eastern/asian than European, and don't get me started on Israel. The Swedes did a good job at presenting and hosting and the reviews have been good but if we want to win again, we need to send something fun, up-beat and borderline cheesy, surely we can do that? And here is one of my all time favourite, classic Eurovision songs! The lyrics are light and happy and memorable. And

Observations on the train...

My friend Paula told me to write these down as I usually share them every morning as I stagger into the office with yet another tale of weirdness, rudeness, smelliness or some other 'ness on my journey to work. The journey only takes 10-15 minutes but it is almost always eventful and not all of these stories are from my commute between Lewisham and London Bridge, a few are from other commutes in or out of London that I remember. Titanic in Essex I was standing next to 2 office girls one morning at the time Titanic was in the cinema and very popular. The girls were asking each other about their weekends. Girl 1 "What did you do at the weekend?" Girl 2 "I went to see a movie" Girl 1 "What did you see?" Girl 2 "Titanic innit", Girl 1 "What’s it about" Girl 2 "It’s a love story set on some big boat"... I started to laugh at this, "some boat" only the most famous boat of all time. I love the simpli

Taking a walk with my Dad..

Apart from my sneezing as if I was a competitor in the allergy Olympics, today has been a wonderful day. Woken up by my niece and nephew at 8am as they were preparing for school and breakfast I got up earlier than I had planned on a holiday but when you are in someone's house, you do their rules. My dad was taking my niece in her pram for a walk to the local shopping centre and I asked him to pick me up some things but he insisted I walk with him. I did, reluctantly, not reluctant to hang out with my dad for an hour but I wanted to be lazy and the pollen count is so high I am sneezing more often than I am breathing, or so it seems, I do exaggerate when it comes to my hayfever. Firstly, I had to prepare, my dad was still in his jeans that he wore for gardening so stained with grass and soil. I needed to wash, change and put my shades on. Dad was already standing on the drive waiting for me with my niece in her pram. And so it began. I knew a different route to the shops, a r