
Showing posts from January, 2020

I will not go gentle into that good night of Brexit

I am paraphrasing this Dylan Thomas poem that has a first verse as follows: Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light. Brexit is 6 days away and although I am no longer angry and disgusted at this act of spiteful, fake patriotic suicide, I am still not resigned to it. Brexiters want people like me to accept it, embrace it and look forward to the future. I am still not hearing what that future will be or how good it will be for all of us. Some assessments of the Brexiters have claimed that the working classes felt so betrayed by the establishment and so left behind by the progress made since 1973 that they rejected it all, liberated themselves from the shackles of EU control. I am sure that some people who voted to leave the EU had a true understanding of its mechanisms and benefits, but I know that many didn't. I grew up in a very working class, left behind area, an area that hit rock