
Showing posts from November, 2019

The big Five O and Hawaii 5 O

As I began typing this I have 6 days left of my forties. I am sitting in downtown San Francisco just off Market Street and very close to the famous Trolly Bus stop. I love this city and this must be by 12th visit and each time I visit experience something new and fun.  Last night I joined my friends for the Dia de los Muertos festival/parade. A very strange experience. The parade was over 1 hour long through the mainly latin Mission District but the people in the parade came from all over with a good sprinkling of hipsters and millennials.  This is my 3rd day here and I am still jet-lagged, wide awake at 4am, exhausted at 4pm but hopefully more time in the sun should resolve that. I am now sitting at my gate for my flight to Hawaii. I will write more of this when I am settled in my hotel mid week as this trip has been fun and social but not yet restful. I need sleep and sunshine and some me time! :) Hawaii was amazing.  I saw volcanoes (and stood on one), a lava beach, h