
Showing posts from July, 2018

Heatwaves and job hunting

The UK is now on the 6th week of a heatwave that has only weakened once with thunderstorms, flooding and train chaos. Yes the British summer continues to be as everyone expects it to be, changeable and unpredictable. It reached 34c somewhere near London in the last week of July and it reached 29c inside my apartment, another record. I've made it to the beach a few times this summer, certainly more than last year and I stupidly booked my summer holiday in Australia where they were having their winter and now all the flights to places I could visit (and be hosted by friends) are crazy high.  £300 return to Barcelona from London is silly. I flew to Australia for £702 on a far better airline than Easyjet. But I guess Barcelona is the place people want to fly to in July and August much to the chagrin of the locals who are increasingly unhappy with the crowds of tourists who are swamping the city and making some neighbourhoods unlivable for locals. My friends in Spain are telling me how