
Showing posts from August, 2017

Bucks Fizz/When We Were Young (Extended Club Mix)


Coming out was hard to do..

The BBC is awash with commemorations of the legalizing or rather he decriminalizing of gay sex and rightly so, this 50 year commemoration is coinciding with the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Passchendaele a bloody battle that lasted almost 4 months and was yet another pointless battle that led to the deaths of over 400,000 men and boys fooled into fighting for leaders who cared more for the land on which the fighting took place than they did about their soldiers. I watched the BBC drama ‘Man in an Orange Shirt’ the story of two public school boys who were in the army during WW2 and fell in love.   One went on to marry his high school sweetheart (in reality his best female friend) and the other went to prison and on release went to live in France. The married one sobbed when he realized what he had thrown away.   The 2 nd part of the drama has yet to be broadcast so I cannot say what happened to them but despite the setting of the 1940s and 1950s and their class, the st