
Showing posts from August, 2014

Home Sweet Home..

After a very interesting final few days in Barcelona I am finally home. I have spent some time with my parents and some of my other family and despite having a broken computer and no phone I feel so much calmer than I did 48 hours ago. A few things I have learned over the past 14 months: Your family may not always be on your wavelength but they should always be the most important people in your life; The grass is always greener; Friends and money do not mix; When some people offer to help you and you feel unsure, don't accept it, go with your instincts. Some people only help you so they can then punish you over it at a later stage; When some people tell you to grow up, ignore them, growing up is over-rated, how we deal with things is an individual thing. A sense of fun does not mean immaturity; Some things go wrong in life and it isn't always your fault. I am now going to spend the day with one of my sisters, give my mum some computer lessons and visit my uncle who h